The device performance of GaN based Double Heterojunction Field-Effect Transistor(DHFET) is largely de-pendent on device scaling issues. The authors’ simulation results show that a decrease in source–gate spacing can improve device performance, enhancing the device output current and
the transconductance. On the contrary, the gate–drain distance does not have significant effect on device performance. It is also observed that an increase in the Aluminium mole fraction of AlGaN buffer causes reduced device transconductance for both AlN/GaN/AlGaN DHFET and AlGaN/GaN/AlGaN DHFET devices and increased gate leakage current for the later one. Based on these results, new optimization strategies for GaN based DHFETs could be defined.
Published in 4th International Conference on Intelligent Systems, Modelling and Simulation, ISMS 2013, Bangkok, Thailand, pp. 654-658.