03/03/2014 16:01
Lab Test of CSE 202: Numerical Methods Laboratory
Lab test will be held on March 10, 2014, Monday during lab time. Lab Test on the following topics: 1. Bisection Method 2. False Position Method 3. Newton Raphsan Method 4. Secant Method There will be an unique problem given, a lottery will decided which method you will use to solve the given...
16/02/2014 13:37
Class Test-01 Schedule
EEE 373: Engineering Materials Class Test - 01, February 22, 2014, Satureday at 1:30 pm ETE 379: Telecommunication Class Test - 01, Monday February 17, 2014 at 3.00 pm. EEE 353 Measurement and Instrumentation Class Test- 01, February 17, 2014, Monday at 8:00 pm
11/02/2014 01:01
Now available at
Finally I bought a domain name for my personal site. You'll find the site at New name looks better, I guess!
12/12/2013 13:45
New Job Confirmed!!
I have been selected for the post of Lecturer at Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Eastern University, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Will be attending new office from January 01, 2014. Yeah, new year and new job together.
04/11/2013 18:28
Website launched
My new website has been launched today. Hope to keep it updated in the days coming ahead :)