


Research Training

Institut Fresnel, Marseille, France:

During masters’ 1st semester, worked in a projects on hyperbolic metamaterials under the supervision of Dr. Stefan Enoch, Former Director, Institut Fresnel, Aix-Marseille University. This 6 ECTS worth project was intended to provide primary training for photonics research. Before the beginning of the 2nd semester in Karlsruhe, there was a free month. I spent that time working on metamaterial waveguides with the same supervisor.  

(Link: www.fresnel.fr



October 2014 - March 2015:


Karlsruhe School of Optics and Photonics, Karlsruhe, Germany:

Masters’ 2nd semester, worked in the cleanroom facility. There was a complete module consisting of 4 different experiments to train the students on Nanofabrication process. During these experiments: 

- Fabricated an organic LED

- Fabricated an organic transistor

- Trained in direct laser writing and optical lithography

- Trained in Scanning Electron Microscopy

(Link: www.ksop.de


April 2015 - July 2015:

Summer Internship

University of St Andrews Fife, United Kingdom:

Joined the nanophotonics group at University of St Andrews. This group holds the world record for low loss slow light photonic crystal waveguide. During this internship designed a group index taper for efficient coupling of light into slow light photonic crystal waveguide. A paper on this topic was also published in SPIE Photonics Europe meeting in 2016 (DOI).

(Link: Nanophotonics Group


August 2015 - October 2015:

Master Thesis

Thales Research & Technology, Palaiseau, France:

Pursuing master thesis at the Micro and Nano Physics Group. Currently designing a focusing apodized grating coupler for efficient coupling of light between fiber and photonic chip. Also helping the group in characterizing different samples from other projects.

(Link: Thales Group)


March 2016 – August 2016:

Research Assistant:

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA:

PhD candidate at ECE department under the supervision of Professor Gianluca Piazza and Prof. James A. Bain. Research interest and expertise includes: integrated photonics, chalcogenide photonics, acousto-optics, mirco- nano fabrication technologies etc.


January 2017 – Present:


Professional Experience

  • January 2014 - August 2014:
  • Lecturer (on study leave) 
  • Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 
  • Eastern University, Dhaka.
  • June 2013 - November 2013:
  • Former Lecturer 
  • Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 
  • Leading University, Sylhet.



MD Shofiqul Islam Khan
Graduate Research Assistant, ECE, Carnegie Mellon University, PA 15213, USA.
Cell: +1 412 452 8126
Skype ID: shafee-khan

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